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  1. Assemble results of Japanese WGS sequence, in Apr. 2004
    Silkworm (p50T, 'Daizo' strain) WGS, Ramen assemble contigs

  2. Assemble results of Chinese WGS sequence, in Dec. 2004
    Silkworm ('Dazao' strain) WGS contig sequences of the Southwest University
    Silkworm ('Dazao' strain) WGS scaffold sequences of the Southwest University

  3. Assemble results of Japnese and Chinese data: Scaffold Build2
    Silkworm ('Daizo' and 'Dazao' strain) WGS, Ramen assemble Scaffold Build2 Registration sequences
    Silkworm ('Daizo' and 'Dazao' strain) WGS, Ramen assemble contigs Build2 Registration sequences

  4. New Assemble results
    Silkworm new assembled sequences

  5. Gene model of Scaffold Build2
    Silkworm ('Daizo' and 'Dazao' strain), Gene model by China (10/Jan/2007)

  6. ESTs/Genes
    Silkworm cDNA partial sequences from KAIKOcDNA database
    Silkworm cDNA partial sequences of the Southwest University
    Silkworm cDNA partial sequences of the Zhejiang Sci-Tech University
    Ohters silkworm cDNA/Gene sequences from public database
    Silkworm EST (15/Sep/2011)
    Silkworm full-length cDNA (15/Sep/2011)
    Silkworm New GeneModel
  7. BAC, BAC_end, and Fosmid_end
    Silkworm (p50T, 'Daizo' strain), Anchor 55BACs
    Silkworm (p50T, 'Daizo' strain), Fosmid End (part1)
    Silkworm (p50T, 'Daizo' strain), Fosmid End (part2)
    Silkworm (p50T, 'Daizo' strain), BAC End

  8. Repetitive
    repetitive sequences (revised) from Scaffold Build2 using ReAS by BGI

  9. MISC
    Confirmed gene set collection from WormBase
    Drosophila melanogaster full-length cDNA sequences from BDGP DGC (15-Jul-2004)
    Drosophila melanogaster EST sequences from BDGP (13-Jul-2004)
    Apis mellifera and Apis cerana cDNA partial sequences

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